Monday, January 12, 2009


As I sit here with October Factory Team rider Kate Harris, I've got butterflies. Not because she has a pretty amazing way with words (we're, um she's, writing sponsorship proposals for 2009) but because I had one of those moments. The moments happen when you are aligned, you are resonant, you are recognizing you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

I may sound like a broken record to those who are close to me, but I couldn't have imagined the way 2008 has gone. October Hand Made Bikes has had an amazing year. We've sold some bikes, yes, made some money, no. Made lots of new friends, yes! We did our part to be visible this cross season, to get up early, pack the tent, pack the bikes, stand in the freezing cold, smile with kids and their parents, high-five our friends who lit up the course.

The people who have come together to make October Hand Made Bikes such a success get it. They realize we are here for a reason - to live the life we chose to live. We have choice, we are the boss. We drive our own bus, make our own waves, cast our own shadow.

Yes, the October Family is indeed guided by a different set of principals.


  1. hey to Stephanie, Andrew, and all of the October crew--glad to hear you had an awesome year in '08 and hopefully 2009 just gets better & better for ya!

  2. I can't wait until I am sitting at home reading my latest bike mag and there's the headline articel about October Bikes, the story about the true soul of biking...
